I’m SO excited to share our STARRED Kirkus Review for “Finding the Speed of Light: The 1676 Discovery that Dazzled the World”
Kirkus states “Evans tucks diagrams and mathematical calculations as well as banter and fanciful details into her lighthearted cartoon illustrations, wedging single and sequential panels of Romer and others at work into views of starscapes and planetary surfaces… A significant, unjustly obscure highlight from modern science’s early days.”
Read the whole review here:https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/mark-weston/finding-the-speed-of-light/
Can you hear me squealing? Did I say I’m EXCITED!!!!! I hope you all love this book as much as I do when hits the shelves March 12, 2019!

Written by Mark Weston,
Illustrated by Rebecca Evans,
Published by Tilbury House Publishers.