Snapper Anyone?

Recently while I was in New York city for the SCBWI conference I spent some free time wandering through the Marketplace in Grand Central Terminal. I came across a vendor selling fresh fish—the type where the whole fish are laid out in decorative rows for potential buyers to peruse. I found myself drawn to a beautiful red and silver fish displayed on the ice. The vendor, always looking for a sale, asked if I wanted to purchase the Red Snapper. Now, I’ve never been much of a fish girl myself. I’ve eaten a few fish—filets all thoroughly doused in sauce and crab meat (the only proper way to eat fish as far as I am concerned. I can’t seem to enjoy food that still has eyes and stares at me while I eat it). I’ve even caught a few as a girl, with leftover pancakes and a homemade soda can reel. But I made my father do most of the fish-touching and hook-removing once the minuscule sunnies were pulled from the water. I’ve never had the opportunity to admire their beautiful colors without the barrier of glass and water. It got me thinking of a painting I had seen of goldfish, and that of course got me sketching fish…


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