I was born into a large, busy family, the fourth of eight children. Each one of us was very different than the next but we all enjoyed laughing, playing, sipping tea, and munching on Mom’s homemade oatmeal raisin cookies. Everyone was welcome at our table.
My siblings and I and any number of neighborhood kids played Scrabble, kickball, SPUD, flashlight tag, jump rope, Around the World, and marbles. I’ve collected these for many years and have some made from clay that are from the 1860s.
Mom and Dad were excellent Bridge players and they taught me how. I play two or three times a month mostly for fun. Dad played a mean game of chess. He never “let” us win but said that we ought to have the chance to be proud of ourselves when we did.
Dad took us to the library every single week. We were each allowed to check out three books. He also took us to the neighborhood pool. We played “Shark”. I still go swimming 3 or 4 times a week or I get very cranky.
I haven’t changed much over the years. Whenever I can, I read, write, play, and plan to travel somewhere I’ve never been before.
Why Should I Walk? I Can Fly!
2020 IBPA Benjamin Franklin Award gold winner
2020 Moms Choice Award Gold winner
2019 Purple Dragonfly Book Award Honorable Mention
A little bird, a big sky, and the first time out of the nest! A robin's first flight is a gentle reminder about what we can accomplish if we just keep trying. As reviewer Sue Lowell Gallion says, "Children (and parents!) experiencing the many firsts of growing up will relate to this lively story of a young robin learning to fly. Playful, rhyming text and winsome water color illustrations give readers a birds' eye view of he baby birds' emotions and adventures on its way to solo flight."
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